Purpose of Creating Gift Collection

Why I Create This Collection?
Since I already create some of the animation project using various code language, some of the project is using python with turte library. So thats why I want to make it in one language, it’s made by Javascript using Svelte framework. Another reason is I want to improve my css, because I just focus slicing for basic components in comersil web. You can access my collection on the below.
Gift CollectionProjects Collection
A little bit story behind some of this project:
Flower Animation
This is a project that request by someone who just graduated last year. Maybe one of the project that I intend to be working, because I have to learn what is phyllotaxis by read some paper and implement that formula in this project. Formula that I using is:

So the figure above is from this paper. You can see implementation using javascript below:
function phyllPattern(t = 250, petalstart, angle=137.5077641, cspread=5) {
let phi = angle * (math.pi / 180.0); // initiate of the phi value with constant angle value
let xcenter = 0.0; // initiate horizontal position when generate the phyllotaxis
let ycenter = 0.0; // initiate vertical position when generate the phyllotaxis
let x_list = double[];
let y_list = double[];
for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) {
r = cspread * math.sqrt(n);
theta = i * phi;
x = r * math.cos(theta) + xcenter;
y = r * math.sin(theta) + ycenter;
return x_list, y_list
You can check the result by click this.
Thanks Letter
Coming Soon!!!
(I cant update my blog and it will delayed, since my laptop is attacked by ransomware 😞)
Birthday Card
Coming Soon!!!
(I cant update my blog and it will delayed, since my laptop is attacked by ransomware 😞)